By choosing to support Live Thankfully, you help sustain our mission of empowering young learners to be leaders and lifelong contributors in their LT schools and communities.

$10 per month
Supports a small Live Thankfully school program.
(up to 100 students)

$25 per month
Support a medium Live Thankfully school program.
(100-600 students)

$50 per month
Support a large Live Thankfully school program.
(over 600 students)

The complete LT campus program includes:

  • LT leadership training for all students and staff
  • LT coach at each campus for LT canned food drive and leadership program
  • Thanksgiving meals for campus families selected by administrators
  • Follow-up and support given to our school administrators and LT families
  • Year round LT leadership education

One-time donations are also appreciated

Here are some other ways you can partner with us financially